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Positioned on 5km2 of land between the N7 highway and Koeberg Road, Montague Gardens is Cape Town’s fastest growing and well-planned industrial nodes. Montague Gardens is a relatively modern industrial suburb and the majority of its buildings are suited to the modern industrial requirements.
Montague Gardens is easily accessible from most areas of the peninsula through the City of Cape Town’s Road and Rail network. With its proximity to the N1 and N7 highways, and Cape Town International Airport and the Cape Town Port only a 15-minute drive away, Montague Gardens is an ideal location for any logistics operation.
What Type Of Businesses Are In The Area?
Its unique position has led to major retail chains such as Woolworths, Spar, Clicks, and Imperial Logistics relocating their central distribution centres to Montague Gardens.
To add to its desirability, Montague Gardens is also surrounded by several residential areas. This is completely unlike any other industrial area in the Peninsula. These residential areas range from an upmarket golf estate to lower income areas.
Get in touch with us today or visit our website if you are interested in commercial or industrial property in Montague Gardens.
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