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The Quoin Marketplace showcases listings for sale and to let. Listings are seamlessly integrated directly from Landlord’s vacancy schedules. This allows tenants and buyers direct access to view the vacancies and properties for sale direct from the source.
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View our Salt River area profile and available properties below.Location
Salt River is a Cape Town suburb situated between Observatory and Woodstock, north of Devil’s Peak and University Estate. The area has historically been regarded as an industrial suburb with clothing and textile factories, the Lion Match factory and the Snowflake flour mill towers characterising the landscape. As with all good industrial areas, location is key, which is why Salt River remains one of Cape Town’s most sought-after industrial nodes. One can reach the Cape Town CBD, harbour, Maitland, the N1 and N2 highways and Paarden Eiland within a few minutes’ drive.
What Type Of Businesses Are In The Area?
Quite like Woodstock, Salt River has received increased investment where many mixed-use renovations are taking place and units are being occupied by a mix of creative, food, film and design businesses. Get in touch with us today or visit our website if you are interested in commercial or industrial space in Salt River.
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