Sueann’s story and the importance of early diagnosis!

“Being kind. That’s what helped me get through the difficult times. By being kind to myself and kind to others. The universe has an incredible way of bringing you things you need at a specific time, the universe brought me to Gauteng to be in proximity of my family during this time.” 

More than 5 years have passed since Sueann Walters found a lump in her breast. While recovering from her monthly chemo session, we caught up with her about her experience of moving back to Gauteng, how being around family during this time has changed her life, and we relive her story and campaign with Hospice in 2021!

“There is so much life has to offer, don’t get stuck in a rut, look around and appreciate the incredible people around you.”

Sueann is originally from Gauteng, and not once in the 33 years of living in Cape Town, the place that captured her heart, did she imagine moving back to Johannesburg. She loved every minute of living in the mother city and never ceased to marvel at the surrounding beauty. 

After her breast cancer diagnosis in 2017, the support she received from her family and friends was truly unconditional. Not until her mom passed did the idea of moving back to Gauteng start manifesting. There were so many factors to consider, her love of Cape Town, her circle of friends, her incredible work environment, DARG and the fact that Cape Town runs through her veins. 

Once the decision was made and she embarked on her return journey, she has not looked back. With family being of utmost importance to Sueann, she feels it was the right decision. A decision that was made possible by both her incredible Brother and her incredible Quoin Technologies Family.  After 7 months of living in beautiful Pretoria, spending quality time with her family, Sueann is at peace and loving every minute of it. 


Sueann is a truly unique human being! The manner in which she carries herself is second to none. She has the ability to light up the room with her smile, and incredible sense of humour. She plays a vital role in the Quoin Technologies team, and will do so for a long long time to come.

Sueann you are our real-life super women!