The decision to relocate, is never an easy one! It’s a decision many avoid making, with the hopes of eluding administration, market research and property hunting. But it could also be the decision that makes a difference between a good business, and a great business!

As a business owner, that decision is up to you. To help you decide, we have identified 4 compelling reasons that signal the need for the relocation of your business:

  • Your decision to relocate should purely be based on convenience. Convenience has a close affinity with easy-accessibility, for suppliers, staff, and most importantly, your customers. If your business’ accessibility is constrained by poor road infrastructure, minimal parking bays, inconvenient delivery space, and inaccessibility for commuters, relocation should be your only option.
  • When your business is stuck in the same location for too long, your market can become saturated. This means that even though your business is not suffering, it is also not growing. Your client base remains the same throughout, and though this may ensure you a steady income, it may prevent further growth of your business. Relocation means a new market audience will be reached. So, if you have the urge to reach new markets and audiences, relocation is the appropriate thing to do.
  • Old things wear off, and the same goes for a building. You may have been leasing a building for numerous years, and as time passes, you’ll see that you gradually start spending more on maintaining the building. Unforeseen maintenance costs, will make whatever profit you make, look insignificant! Though relocation is accompanied by high administration costs, and big deposits, in the long-run, it will be lucrative to pay your monthly installment/rent, while enjoying the perks of a new, modern building, without unforeseen maintenance costs!
  • A pivotal aspect in ensuring the profitability of your business, is the usage of utilities and costs allocated to it. In this poor economic climate, state owned companies that supply these utilities, charge more and more. If you’re looking to cut on these utility costs, it’s best to relocate and go green! Green buildings are a prevailing trend in modern society, as it provides you with a lucrative opportunity to reduce waste, save energy and improve air and water quality. The best of both worlds: the success of your business, while doing your bit to save the environment.

    So, in short: if you’re looking to trim expenses, promote the future sustainability of your business, and reach new markets, relocation is definitely something you should consider, and we are here to help you with that.