There’s not much that can’t be done online these days. The ability to research, to bank, to buy and to socialize is all at our fingertips, which is why it makes little sense that in South Africa, property purchasing and tenanting is still largely a laborious and paper-intensive exercise.

Quoin is the exception. Quoin Online pioneered paperless property services in South Africa. In addition to viewing available properties, as is standard in the industry, all paperwork can be submitted digitally.

3 benefits of paperless property services

  1. Simplicity
    Investing in property is no small thing. It’s incumbent upon the property businesses to ensure that the process is as hassle free as possible and empowering clients to submit their documents online ensures that the process is far less onerous.
  2. Reach
    Information is accessed online and offers can be submitted online so sales are not limited to buyers in the immediate area. This results in a far broader and more competitive market and helps to ensure best returns for the seller.
  3. Online records
    The digital sharing of key documents means that these documents are kept safe and accessible, for example for audit trails. As an added bonus, a paperless service reduces the need for reams of printing as well as the carbon miles resulting from the travel of those documents.

Quoin’s paperless approach has transformed the South African property market, offering sellers the opportunity to market to potential buyers across the globe in real time while improving the speed and efficiency of the process, both of which have resulted in a higher conversion to successful sales.