URERU Seminar #1 – The State of the South African Property Market in 2022

Urban Real Estate Research Unit Seminar 1 – The State of the South African Property Market in 2022

Sponsored by Quoin Online

As the grips of the pandemic have started to ease on how society interacts, the expectation on how many people would attend the Seminar was entirely up in the air. We sit in this middle ground of, should we stream the seminars (like we have for the past 2 years) or should we have in-person seminars (something we haven’t had for 2 years, and you get the sense that people are craving people interaction)?

We did both. We recorded the seminar for those who could not attend in person and will distribute the recording for you to plug-in and listen. By our own expectation we were blown away by not only the number of people who attended the Seminar in-person but also the ‘people’ who attended – from Masters students in Property Studies to Asset Managers of listed Property Funds.

The URERU Seminar #1 was a resounding success providing a forum for people to discuss and debate trends, issues and predictions for the South African Property Market.

We would like to thank our two speakers, Craig Smith, CFA, FRICS from Anchor Stockbrokers, and Sean Berowsky from Broll for their time and insight.

This Seminar forms part of a series of 4 Seminars that we have planned for 2022.

If you would like to watch or listen to the seminar please follow the below link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxr1j5llgajrpja/CON5006Z_2022_20220225_Presenter%20%281%29.zip?dl=0

See you at Seminar #2!

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